Saturday 28 April 2007

Qantas, Charlie Brown, and more than weekly needed ....

Well, so goes that idea to try and do this on a regular basis - will have to start trying to use that Email blog thing from my BlackBerry. That might make it a little more manageable.

At any rate, big week just finished off, and feeling like I should stay asleep for a couple of weeks. Hmmm ... I wish!

Had Anzac Day during the week on Wednesday. I like these mid week holidays. Works well. So Tuesday night meant heading out, and we used it for a work celebratory afternoon with some of the folks who collaboratively brought the Qantas deal to a close. Was a good evening that eventually saw us at Cargo Bar from about 4:30PM, and then with me slinking away a little inebriated at about 11:30PM. There was a lot of chats to be had, and some boss bashing from the Big T, against my boss - youch! Makes it hard to know how to manage that, but will just get some insulation happening between all the folks I think. At any rate, had another approach to take on a role managing Qantas and strategic direction guidance. Might look in to it a little, but don't think I'm done at RIM just yet.

So Anzac Day Wednesday, with my head not fully recovered, or my stomach or legs (what do I blank out from those evenings that could answer the reasons for my legs feeling like cheesy sticks???), and caught up with Ade. She's a friend who's just ditched her graphic design job for a B2B publication and is now going out there solo. That's a big play, and I'm hoping that's the way her industry is going to let her work. She says she's pretty good at what she does, and it looks like she's being able to line up a bunch of work over the coming months so hopefully all will be good.

Kind of makes me realise I wouldn't mind stepping outside the corporate box, but I guess my job gives me plenty of freedom at any rate. Feels like I'm here to run my own business, that just happens to be owned by someone else. Less pressure that way, but I guess the returns aren't as good. Don't more than 80% of small business fail after the first year or something still? I don't think I'll be that brave for a while yet.

Had lunch in Manly, followed by some awesome icecream at ColdSlab (or something along those lines) - coconut icecream, mixed with Freckles and Mint Slice. Damn good! On the way back had a call from Marty Monster (Martin) to see if I wanted to do dinner over at his with his housemates (Stefan and James) but wasn't feeling too crash hot by then, so had to pass. Bit of a bugger because those BBQ's are usually pretty damn good.

Then came Friday, and with Fashion Week happening here in Sydney from next week, we were lucky enough to team up with Charlie Brown and help her launch a new store, design concepts and chuck our new White BlackBerry Pearl device across to a bunch of journos who write for fashion mags, and style pages of the big publications. Was a great lunch down at Buon Ricordo in Paddington - awesome tastes, and great service. Then we had the Opera moment when Charlie handed out her Fashion Week survival bag. Folks went crazy, shouts of joy and lots of clapping as they opened it up to jewellery, entertainment stuff, and topped it off with the BlackBerry - Jenn, Alan and I became instant celebs. The whole event went great and I think the whole lifestyle message that wraps itself around our new products was well and truly captured. Good old Jenn who organised through Jane (a great PR person I'm starying to think) will be getting much kudos from me for setting this up.

Now today, with the weather like crap we had tennis lessons cancelled, I've been finishing up a bunch of work. I really do think I am working just a little too hard! At any rate, will be off to dinner at Prague Czech Restaurant in Potts Point for Scott's send off dinner. He'll be travelling for 3 months as of Monday. Good thing is I'll be catching up with him in Madrid then Paris for a few weeks, so it's all worked out pretty well.

Will leave it there, but realise I need to try and get these updated more often than once a week ... let's see how well I go.

Catch ya later.

Sunday 22 April 2007

Lazy Sunday

Had the usual Sunday tennis morning match this morning. Played with Kristina (lovely Hungarian vixen) who I'm doing tennis lessons every Saturday morning with - well as long as I'm in town. We won, 6-4 against Scott and Matt. They're a cute couple that got together pretty recently and seem to be getting things together to make a go of it. After our win, Kristina and I are going to try our luck in a round robin tournament next Sunday down at White City, so will see how we go.

After tennis, whoever has been playing (there's about 8 of us who rotate around) usually try and catch up over a juice/coffee/food, and today walked up to Vinyl Lounge in Potts Point. It's good to be able to settle back and just chat about anything and everything while we try and recover our breathe, and see what everyone's been up to. I think most of the conversations this morning though revolved around how the World was turning to crap - the US shootings, NASA shootings, the two gay guys in West Australia who kidnapped a 14 year old kid. Can you say depressing? Maybe we need to find some decent conversations around rainbows and lollipops, but most news these days seems to be doom and gloom. Guess the "bad stuff" sells more papers right, and it's always kind of more interesting in that "just can't turn away from the car crash" point of view.

Vanessa came on down to catch up too. Her girlfriend Kaarin headed over to China at the beginning of the week probably for at least two years. There going to try doing the long distance relationship thing, and I think the open thing is being given a go too. Vanessa's from South Africe, so the emotions thing is a hard thing to read. She's definitely a little bit moppy, but already planning heaps of things to keep herself busy which is good to hear. Kind of think she might like a bit of the freedom it's given her too. She's off to the Girl's only Uniform party at Slide on Tuesday night, and then off camping later in the week for a bit. I have a feeling the love sick hunger pangs will kick in a little down the track though.

That kind of makes me realise how long it's been since I've had a decent relationship. Hmmm ... maybe way too long. I usually blame the heaps of travel, but I'm sure it's to do with a pretty low self esteem too. You can't love someone else until you love yourself they say, so am working on that. Where'd I put that Vaseline again? Will have to have a think about that one and see what I can come up with to try and remedy ... not the Vaseline, but the whole self esteem thing.

Thankfully I'm staying all week in Sydney this week. Last weeks stay in Brisbane down near Fortitude Valley was eye-opening. Smack bang in the middle of Drug and Propstitution central basically. Couldn't find anywhere else to stay while I spoke at a conference the next day, but have to say I was almost too nervous to sleep in the sheets. Survived the ordeal okay though, but will be getting our travel organiser to burn the reference to that place in the books. Was a starck contrast to then staying at Hyatt on The Park in Melbourne. Moved from derelict and creepy, to extravagant and snobby. I like the extravagant part, but could do without the snobby part, maybe eclectic or zanny would be better. Actually, who the hell uses the word zanny any more?? Let's stick with extravangtly eclectic.

Having Wednesday off work due to Anzac Day breaks up the week pretty well too. Gives me a chance to get some of my holiday plans in order, as I leave end of May. This is hopefully going to be one of those awesome Global trips - Tokyo, Beijing, London, Madrid, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Scotland, New York, LA and San Francisco over two months. Got the flights organised now, so just have to look in to accomodation ... I hate trying to be organised!

Anyways, am planning on trying to clean my place over the rest of the day as the weather is overcast, and pretty humid. I'm off to a couple of fashion week events this week with work, and have a bit of a celebration bash for some of the work we did with Qantas so will drop you some details during the week.

Talk later.

- Danny.

Saturday 21 April 2007

What am I doing here?

Hmmm ... the beginning. Always a hard place to start, for there's always been something before it, right? So why call it the beginning? Plenty of stuff happened beforehand, and plenty more will happen after, so I guess it's all very relative if this blog is suppossed to be about me ....

So how about this - instead I'll just say this is the beginning of the blog, the continuation of my life, and the end of keeping so many secrets and opening up just a little bit more. Yeah, okay I'm happy with that and at least it now gives me a present, past and future instead of just a damn "beginning". That makes me feel like it's more real, more comfortable.

I haven't done one of these blog things before, and even though I'm in IT, never thought I would. We'll see where it all leads, and I'll be trying hard to keep the thoughts open, and dialogue free flowing. I'm not usually that type of guy, so we'll see whether this bit of self therapy can get me to open up and be honest with myself more than I've ever been before! Nothing like washing your laundry in front of a potential couple of million/billion people :o)

So where too from here? I think I'll work that out over the next couple of months, but until then let me get some dinner, finally get some sleep after a stupidly busy week, and see where things end up heading.

Adios for now, and back shortly ...

- Danny.